
It’s easy to take steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase carbon capture, and enhance biodiversity by adopting climate-smart yard practices.

Resources and Tools

Gas leaf blowers and lawn mowers are shockingly bad for the planet. These two-stroke engines are not only noisy, but release a disproportionate amount of pollution. Bans are beginning to spread. The transition to electric equipment is inevitable as the United States works to limit emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollution. Fortunately, there are greener solutions for taking care of your leaves and lawn:

> Why leaf blowers are bad for you and the planet

> Mulch, don’t blow

> The benefits of leaf mulching

> Electric leaf blower models

Rather than throw your leaves and yard waste out in the trash, compost it! Compost improves soil health and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Several options are available for effective backyard composting. The Freeport Recycling Center sells the Earth Machine backyard composters, compost turners, thermometers as well as rain barrels.

> How to compost at home

> Drop off yard waste at the Freeport Recycling Center

> Drop off kitchen scraps at receptacles in town

Garden equipment engines produce up to 5% of the nation’s air pollution. In fact, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) studies show that one hour operating a new gasoline lawn mower emits the same amount of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxide driving a car 100 miles. Electric corded or battery -powered lawn and garden equipment produce no emissions and require no gas or oil to operate, hence no annual maintenance. An added bonus is electric garden equipment is significantly quieter than the gasoline fueled equipment.

> News Center Maine: Gas-powered lawn tools emit a large amount of pollution

> Electric lawnmowers are better for the environment and save money

> Electric lawnmower models

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