16 Dec So much accomplished in 2024, and a peek at 2025
Posted at 11:30h
in News
All of these 2024 accomplishments were achieved entirely by the dedication, care and sublime talent of volunteers. Please hear the sound of clapping!
Accomplishments of 2024:
- Launched EcoHomes, a monthly email to our membership containing actionable items that homeowners can take to increase their energy efficiency, reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and lower their heating costs.
- Offered the third consecutive year of our popular Farmers Market, and, for the first time, made cash-equivalent vouchers available to low-income residents to enable them to more affordably purchase local farm produce.
- Established a popular drop-in, facilitated, bi-monthly Climate Crisis Support Group at the library.
- Produced the ReFashion Show, our first-ever repurposed clothing fashion show to a sell-out crowd at Meetinghouse Arts. Over the course of two hours, local volunteers of all ages strutted across the stage, modeling outfits provided by local recycled clothing stores and accompanied by music from a famous Boston DJ.
- Organized a yummy community pot-luck supper of all-vegetarian meals at the Freeport Community Center.
- Initiated our “Saving Planet Home” yard sign program based on research that says people change their behavior by modeling what their friends and neighbors are doing.
- Named one of four finalists (out of 36 nominees) in the Natural Resources Council of Maine’s “People’s Choice Award” for outstanding performance in protecting our environment.
- Awarded a Momentum Grant from the town to bring a public art installation called the Pinkies (their color represents the effects of climate change on arctic ice) to the front lawn of Town Hall. Over the year FreeportCAN, in coordination with other organizations, will present programs, concerts, and exhibits to share the important message of climate change, the critical importance of reuse and repurpose of discarded materials, and the health of the working waterfront.
- Persuaded the Town Council to allocate funds for the creation of an electric tool library, which will include lawn mowers, snow blowers, leaf blowers, etc. The program is expected to be particularly beneficial to low-income residents.
- Partnered with passivhausMaine and WindowDressers to construct and install custom-made plastic window inserts, which improve insulation and reduce GHG emissions associated with home heating, for 21 households. Funding for the low-income installations was provided in part by FCAN. Ninety volunteers contributed 344 volunteer hours to the effort.
Upcoming events in 2025:
- January 7, 3:30-5 pm: Drop-In Climate Crisis Support Group, Freeport Community Library Sunroom. Participants have raved about how much better they feel after sharing concerns and hopes with other people.
- January 8, 5-7pm: Volunteer meet-and-greet at Maine Beer Company. Meet other volunteers, learn about our volunteer opportunities, enjoy some giggles and some good food.
- January 11, 10am-12pm: Book group meeting kick-off in the sunroom at the Freeport Library. Sign up now for an opportunity to explore some of the inspiring ideas in Ayana Johnson’s bestselling book, What If We Get It Right, with a small group of neighbors in a new four-week book group. The group will be facilitated by Sue Inches, herself an author, educator and environmental advocate who teaches environmental activism at Colby and Bates colleges. Sign up here. We ask that all who sign up plan to attend all four meetings.
In the pipeline:
- We are currently working on a project to create neighborhood resilience hubs, organizing neighbors to care for those who are vulnerable to climate emergencies. Email [email protected] to learn more or volunteer.
- In the early spring a new electric Tool Library will be up and running at the Transfer Station (100 Hedgehog Mountain Road). You will be able to sign-out electric tools such as lawnmowers, leaf blowers, snow blowers, edgers, and hedge trimmers free of charge.
- We will be talking more about single-use plastic and its effect on the climate in the coming year and what you can do about it. In the meantime, consider choosing to reuse by saying no to single-use drink cups. For here or to go? For here? Ask for a ceramic mug. To go? Keep your refillable coffee cup handy. Reducing your use of single-use cups and utensils is one of the easiest things you can do to help the planet.
- Next fall, watch for another ReFashion Show featuring pre-loved re-fashion attire.
So much positive action in the year ahead! We hope you’ll join us. If you’re interested in getting involved or learning more, please get in touch.
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