15 Jan Regeneration: Redesigning Our Lives, Together
Climate Conversations on Regenerative Culture Building
With Richard Gorvette
Feb. 22, Mar. 7 & 21, Apr. 4, 6:30pm
Bradley Room, Freeport Community Services, 53 Depot St., Freeport
At some level we are all discomforted by the sense that the old ways of life aren’t working, that our future on this planet is uncertain and threatened. We suspect we need to redesign our thinking, our aspirations, our decision making.
But how?
Biologically inspired design gives us insight into ways we can transform our lives to be in harmony with natural systems and find joy and meaning. Let us answer the question together: What future do we hope for this ancient place now named Freeport, and how might we help steward that future into being? The field of Regeneration offers a range of principles and questions that individuals, communities, businesses and other professional fields around the world are using to chart a path forward that is better aligned with the rest of the natural world.
Starting on Thursday February 8 at 6:30 and running for four weeks, every other week, Richard Gorvette will facilitate a discussion/seminar/play group on the principles of regenerative development and design.
No registration necessary. Mark your calendar!
Richard Gorvette
Richard has spent 20 years supporting business, government, non-profit and community leaders around the world as they seek to improve the complex systems which shape all of our lives. He studied and practiced Social Entrepreneurship at the London School for Social Entrepreneurs, and has training in Transformational Leadership, Regenerative Leadership and Regenerative Development and Design. Formerly the Global Impact Director at Reach for Change, Richard spent 7 years in Africa before moving here to Freeport where he now lives with his wife and two children.