The effects of climate change are right here in our community. But so are the solutions.
FreeportCAN is a grassroots organization committed to fighting global climate change through education, activism and behavior change right here in our Freeport, Maine community.
As we step into 2025, the urgency of addressing the climate crisis has never been greater.
Enjoy a slice and a beer on us! January 8, 5-7pm at Maine Beer Company, 525 Route 1, Freep
January 11, 10am-12pm, in the sunroom at the Freeport Community Library. Join us for this
Resuming January 7, 3:30-5pm Freeport Community Library sunroom, 10 Library Dr., Freeport.
FreeportCAN is working to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and preserve our natural resources in order to create a sustainable community for future generations.
Get involved!
Only with a true community-wide effort will we accomplish the difficult work at hand with the urgency required.