The effects of climate change are right here in our community. But so are the solutions.
FreeportCAN is a grassroots organization committed to fighting global climate change through education, activism and behavior change right here in our Freeport, Maine community.
Enjoy a slice and a beer on us! January 8, 5-7pm at Maine Beer Company, 525 Route 1, Freep
January 11, 10am-12pm, in the sunroom at the Freeport Community Library. Join us for this
Resuming January 7, 3:30-5pm Freeport Community Library sunroom, 10 Library Dr., Freeport.
Dear Neighbor, The warmest year in recorded history. Fossil fuel use projected at year’s e
FreeportCAN is working to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and preserve our natural resources in order to create a sustainable community for future generations.
Get involved!
Only with a true community-wide effort will we accomplish the difficult work at hand with the urgency required.